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Code files of simple PHP nodes

Simple PHP nodes are executed only when a message arrives. In contrast to stateful PHP nodes, they don't run continuously. A message arrives, the script is executed and then the script exits.

As the name suggests, this is probably the easiest possible way to create a node.

The file extension of simple PHP code files is .php.

Node class

The node is a PHP class named HomegearNode derived from HomegearNodeBase. You must use the class name HomegearNode as otherwise Node-BLUE is not able to load the node.


class HomegearNode extends HomegearNodeBase

Class constants

There are two class constants available in HomegearNode:




They can be accessed from within the class using self:


Receiving messages

For every received message a new HomegearNode object is constructed by Node-BLUE. Only one method must exist for simple PHP nodes: input. This method is executed whenever a new message arrives.

public function input(array $nodeInfo, int $inputIndex, array $msg)
    // Do something with '$msg'

Multiple inputs

If the node has more than one input, the input the message arrived at can be read from $inputIndex.

Handling errors and logging events

If the node encounters an error whilst handling the message or if it wants to write something to the log file, it should call the log method which is provided by HomegearNodeBase:

$logLevel = 2;
$errorMessage = "Something really bad happened";
$this->log($logLevel, $errorMessage);

Available log levels are:

Loglevel Description
1 Critical
2 Error
3 Warning
4 Info
5 Debug

The log message is written to Homegear's flows log file. Warnings and errors also trigger Catch nodes and - if not handled by a Catch node - are written to debug tabs of connected frontends.

Calling Homegear RPC methods

You can create an object of the class Homegear to call Homegear RPC methods:

$hg = new \Homegear\Homegear();

For an overview of the available RPC methods, visit Homegear's RPC reference.

All RPC methods are callable on the Homegear object, i. e.:


Sending messages

To send a message, just call the method output from any method of your class:

$msg = ['payload' => 'Using PHP to create nodes is awesome.'];
$this->output(0, $msg);

The first parameter is the index of the output, the second parameter is the message to send. Note that $msg must be an Array and requires at least the entry payload.

If the node is sending a message in response to having received one, it should reuse the received message rather than create a new message object. This ensures existing properties on the message are preserved for the rest of the flow.

Setting status

Whilst running, a node is able to share status information with the editor UI. This is done by calling the nodeEvent function:

$this->nodeEvent('status/'.$nodeId, ['text' => 'Feeling great', 'shape' => 'dot', 'fill' => 'green']);